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Maine solar advocates push for reconsideration of net metering

A coalition of 24 groups has asked state regulators to reconsider scrapping net metering in 2018, as advocates gear up for a push in the state legislature.

Maine net-metering battle could move to the legislature

In response to the codifying of net-metering rules that critics say will destroy Maine’s solar industry, the Natural Resources Council of Maine said it will take the fight to the statehouse in an effort to head off the changes with a new solar law.

Maine’s LePage tweets latest attacks on solar

In his ongoing efforts to eliminate the underpinnings of a successful solar industry, Maine’s buffoonish chief executive slams solar on Twitter and suggests all Public Utilities Commissioners resign in the wake of a Maine solar compromise reached last month.


Maine PUC issues final ruling on net-metering compromise

Current solar customers are grandfathered for 15 years, but customers who sign up next year will see their net-metering benefits decline over time.


Corporations covet clean-energy choices

A new report by the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) indicates businesses want to settle in states with good clean-energy infrastructures.

Maine regulators delay decision on net metering

The state hit a trigger level which allowed regulators to modify net metering, but now they are delaying making changes to shut the program down.

Could The Sun Set On Maine’s Solar Industry?

A hearing held in Hallowell, Maine, will accept testimony on proposed net-metering changes in the state.

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